Health coach
I’m a Nutritionist Coach and a Macrobiotics expert, who can support you take care about yourself through nutrition.
Chronic illness is growing at alarming rate. Even with the massive amounts of organic food being cultivated now, even with the awareness about removing processed foods from our diets, even with the newest healing modalities, sickness is present like never before.
We are up against toxic heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, solvents, petroleum-based products, and other modern-day chemical warfare that’s subliminally part of our everyday lives.
High fat diets don’t allow for the natural processes of detox. When the liver is sluggish from fat, the heart must pump harder. A fat-filled bloodstream also minimises oxygen, allowing pathogens to thrive. Plus toxins enter the excess fat cells, which then accumulate around organs once someone reaches the age when they can’t spend two hours a day exercising like they used to and when keeping processed foods out ins’t enough to keep a spare tire from developing around the waist.
Epidemic liver sluggish is happening, so slow metabolism and hormones take the blame instead of a high-fat diet over too many years.

There are different reasons why people experience burnout.
1. Toxic heavy metals
Toxic heavy metals are a factor, varying regions of the brain can quicken somebody’s burnout, because when metals are saturating neurons, electrical impulses burn hotter and more inconsistently, neurotransmitters become weakened and diminished, and electrical activity in the brain can be strained, making it harder for one person to complete a task in the time frame another person may be able to do it.
2. Viral infections
There are over 60 varieties of Epstein- Barr virus (EBV) and/ or one or more of the over 30 varieties of shingles virus and/or cytomegalovirus or other viral strains are lying deep inside their liver, creating neurotoxins as waste and releasing them into the bloodstream, and from there inflaming nerves and creating mild neurological fatigue. This can quicken somebody’s fatigue response when they ‘re doing a lot of work or even a lot of play.
3. Emotional injury
Previous experiences such as betrayal, broken heart, breakup, divorce, broken trust or loss, or maybe losing a job, can create tremendous amount of stress in life and burnout can happen a lot faster. These memories and experiences remain deep in the brain, emerging easily from day-to-day triggers.
& much more

Health Coach price
First session £85
1hr follow up sessions £70
1hr protocol review £80
Based on your health status, we’ll assess together the support needed to reset your body with the adequate detox, emotional support, diet, supplements and health issues support