Infrared saunas can strengthen your immune system by boosting white blood cell production, which gets rid of bacteria, viruses, and other threats to the body.

Boost Immune system
A fever is the body’s natural defense against illness. High temperatures act as a warning sign for your immune system to activate and begin defending you against infections. In our infrared sauna, you are deliberately exposed to high temperatures, which causes your immune system to activate and destroy any cells that could otherwise go undetected.
We are available to meet your wellness needs. Contact us to book an appointment!
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Benefits Of Detoxification
Our therapy strengthens the immune system by your body’s temperature, which increases the production of killer T-cells and white blood cells. T-cells go after and eliminate cancerous cells as well as other virus-infected cells. Furthermore, T-cells remove damaged cells that are of no use to the body.
Detoxification of cells
Create healthy cells
Improve gut health
Eliminate Toxins
Prioritize your health
Your health should top your list of priorities in life. Sadly, many people only realize this after their health has already been compromised and is under stress. Using our therapy, you can strengthen your immune system and encourage it in the battle to safeguard your health in order to prevent this from happening.
At Luminate Wellness, our therapy has a wide range of health benefits through regular sessions. Contact us today to choose the right plan for you.
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